
Friday, 2 May 2014

The Painter of Rudolf Rocker's Picture

It is a pleasure for us to introduce the painter of Rudolf Rocker's picture in our last special edition to our readers. The picture has been painted by the famous painter Berta Rozenboym-Gdani from Detroit. Berta is Gedaliah Rozenboym's daughter, who is a friend and supporter of the Fraye arbeter shtime.

The Rozenboym family were close friends to the Rocker family. Berta spent every weekend at Rocker's house when she was a student of art. She received several prices for her art.

We gratulate our comrade Gedaliah for her talented daughter.

Administration of the Fraye arbeter shtime

For more information, see:

FAS Vol. 3003 (July 1973), p. 8.

FAS Vol. 3001 (May 1973), p. 2.